Monday, March 15, 2010

meatloaf mayhem

this was only my second attempt at this meal and i personally think it turned out great. it’s been over 10 years since i first tried to make this dish. let me tell you about my previous experience and you’ll understand why. the year was 1998 and for my dad’s birthday i decided i’d make him meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas since he rarely ever got to eat it and it’s his favorite meal. while making the meatloaf my dad was yelling and said some not nice things to my little brother. i was upset by this and decided to stick up for him and ended up fighting with my dad over it. i had a genius idea that to make him mad and stick it to the man (my dad), i’d throw the meat in the trash so that he wouldn’t be able to enjoy it. as i stepped on the trash compactor to open it the pyrex dish i was mixing the meat in slipped out of my greasy fingers and hit the front edge of the trash compactor. when the dish broke part of it cut into my finger and i ended up going to the ER to get stitched up. way to stick it to the man and me at the same time, served me right i guess. i still have the scar from this and i’m convinced that this ordeal has held me back from ever becoming a hand model. hahaha! anyways last night i decided to women up and conquer the tasty meal know as meatloaf. i am proud to say that attempt number 2 actually made it into the oven. since I don’t have a loaf pan i decided to make cupcake sized portions in my cupcake pan. the way they turned out to look is like giant meatballs but still they tasted delicious. i didn’t follow a recipe but here is what i added to my mixture:
1.25lb ground pork
1.25lb ground beef
minced garlic
worcestershire sauce
chopped onion
harry & david pepper relish
2 eggs
homemade bread crumbs
parsley & rosemary dried seasonings
salt & pepper


  1. yum, you actually made me kinda want meat loaf again, after that experience I had with my dads when I thought all the yellow grease was cheese and ate like two cups of it then realized it wasn't CHEESE! yes I havn't had meatloaf since, but maybe someday!

  2. hahahhaaa i totally wanted to write something about that but didn't want to call you out but now that you called yourself out... seriously that was SO FUNNY!! umm emily that's not velveeta... gag gag hurl hurl
