Wednesday, March 17, 2010

epic fail

i wish that i could report that tonight i ate corned beef and cabbage but instead i wasted my $13 bucks on a disaster. after work i stopped at the store to pick up the corned beef and a cabbage. i got home and put the meat in a pot covered it with water then was out the door to a green party at a friends. several hours (serveral = 4) later i returned home and added the cabbage to the pot and let it cook for another hour. i pulled the meat out of the pot to cut it because it was not fork tender and i was sleepy. i couldn't believe how tough the meat was after cooking for 5hrs. i tasted a piece but it was too tough and it didn't taste good at all!! i dumped it straight into the trash. moral of this story next time i attempt this i'll get a recipe or maybe i'll learn how to cut meat correctly. since i'm not sure what my mistake was i will for sure follow the guidance and direction of a wiser cook than i.


  1. Aw... this is so sad!!

    But have to try your meatball recipe... they look super super good. I'm horrible without measurements though, so I'll be calling if it turns out disastrous.

  2. I feel like after 5 hours your meat was overcooked... what temp did you have it on? Not that I am an expert... or eat meat... but I used to, and I have been known to watch Top Chef and read plenty of cookbooks, so maybe that counts for something. As for the cabbage, try braising it next time, haven't tried that either, but braised cabbage just has a nice ring to it, and being a vegetarian I do have a few cookbooks with good vegetable recipes, let me know if you need help with take two.
