Monday, January 9, 2012

glory = dislike

is this song disturbing to anyone else?  maybe it's just me but not only am i disturbed by it but i think it's a terrible song!  it's like listening to a mash-up of a few cute and cleverly rhymed lines abruptly followed by verbal vomit.

please feel free to correct me if i'm being too critical but here are a list of disturbances:
  • to me this song sounds extremely amateur, as if this was a no name dude trying to record a smash hit from his garage.
  • why is it necessary for anyone to swear in a song that is written about their own child?  seriously how did he think that was a smart move?  is it too much to ask that you leave foul language out of one song, especially a song written about your baby girl?  it's ok to show some class.
  • really.. instead of saying beyonce's name you prefer to refer to the mother of your daughter as destiny's child..  "you're my child with the child of destiny's child"
  • while i hope this song was a sweet attempt to genuinely commemorate the birth of their baby i cannot overlook fact that jay z recognized an opprotunity to make some dollar dollar bills.  i'm just saying that if his intention was soley to capture and record such a monumental part of your life then why share such a special moment with us instead of recording it for your own private and personal use?  can beyonce and blue leave the hospital before you exploit her for money, just saying.
  • i will mention that i think some of what his is expressing is absolutely touching and heartfelt but jay z ends up sharing too much about some extremely private experiences.  i just hope beyonce knew about his over sharing of their personal issues before this song was released.  i guess i don't understand why they would work so hard to keep all the miscarriages and previous devastation out of the media only to put it on blast the moment their first child was born.
  • last but NOT least did you really feel the need disclose the place of conception?  even if you thought that was something the world wanted to know you should have thought about fact that this is never information your kids wish to hear.  T.M.I.
ps i posted this video with visable lyrics since i originally thought he said hoe a few times during the song, which is what first got me flared up, when indeed he says HOV (his nickname).

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