Sunday, November 28, 2010

gilly gilly

i'm not sure what this meal really is called or if it even has a real name.  it might just be something that my grandma made up on her own but i do know that she called it gilly gilly.  i also know that this was one of the few dishes she knew how to make.  it's a meat and potatoes dish with a grandma ho twist.  the spin on this dish is that it's cooked with soy sauce.  all you'll need is ground beef, potatoes, onions, water, soy sauce and sugar.  yep that is all there is to it but sadly i have no idea where to begin to tell how much of each ingredient to use, when it's done just serve it rice.

this dish was a staple in my grandma's house and i honestly can't remember a time when i left her house without eating this, with the exceptions of thanksgiving and christmas.  in my opinion gilly gilly is very good but taste aside there is something about this meal that instantly warms my heart and makes me reminisce on childhood memories.

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